This vignette shows how to add tidal data to WATLAS data.
# Path to csv with raw data
data_path <- system.file(
"extdata", "watlas_data_aggregated.csv",
package = "tools4watlas"
# Load data
data <- fread(data_path, yaml = TRUE)
Add tidal data
# setorder
setorder(data, tag, time)
# path to tide data
tides_path <- system.file(
"extdata", "example_2023_tide_data_UTC.csv",
package = "tools4watlas"
tide_data_highres_path <- system.file(
"extdata", "example_2023_tide_data_highres_UTC.csv",
package = "tools4watlas"
# load tide data
tides <- data.table::fread(tides_path)
tide_data_highres <- data.table::fread(tide_data_highres_path)
# add tide data to movement data
data <- atl_add_tidal_data(
data = data,
tide_data = tides,
tide_data_highres = tide_data_highres,
waterdata_resolution = "10 minute",
offset = 30
# Show first 5 rows (subset of columns to show additional ones)
head(data[, .(posID, tag, datetime, tideID, tidaltime, time2lowtide,
waterlevel)]) |>
knitr::kable(digits = 2)
posID | tag | datetime | tideID | tidaltime | time2lowtide | waterlevel |
7917.33 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:13:00 | 2023513 | 133 | -247 | 52 |
8234.75 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:19:00 | 2023513 | 139 | -241 | 45 |
8274.00 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:20:00 | 2023513 | 140 | -240 | 45 |
8302.00 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:21:00 | 2023513 | 141 | -239 | 45 |
8503.17 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:24:00 | 2023513 | 144 | -236 | 45 |
8548.41 | 3027 | 2023-09-23 03:25:00 | 2023513 | 145 | -235 | 39 |
Select specific times within the tide cycle
For specific analyses, the cleaned data can be selected. To select localizations when mudlfats are available for foraging, we can for example select a low tide period from -2.5 hours to +2.5 hours around low tide (Bijleveld et al. 2016):
# check tide ID
data[, tideID] |> unique()
## [1] 2023513 2023514 2023512
# Select the low tide period for a particular tide as specified by tideID
data_subset <- atl_filter_covariates(
data = data,
filters = c(
"tideID %in% c(2023513, 2023514)",
"between(time2lowtide, -2.5 * 60, 2.5 * 60)"
## Note: 51.24% of the dataset was filtered out, corresponding to 3531 positions.
Add species column
# Load meta data
all_tags_path <- system.file(
"extdata", "tags_watlas_subset.xlsx", package = "tools4watlas"
all_tags <- readxl::read_excel(all_tags_path, sheet = "tags_watlas_all") |>
# join with data
all_tags[, tag := as.character(tag)]
data[all_tags, on = "tag", `:=`(species = i.species)]
# make species first column
setcolorder(data, c("species", setdiff(names(data), c("species"))))
Save as example data for tools4watlas
# reassign so data is data
data_example <- data
save(data_example, file = "../data/watlas_data_example.rda")