Loading and checking data
Johannes Krietsch
Good to know
is based on data.table
to be
fast and efficient. A key feature of data.table
modification in place, where data is changed without making a copy. To
prevent this (whenever it is not desired) use the function
to make a true copy of the data set.
# Packages
Getting data
WATLAS data can either be loaded from a local SQLite database or a rem remote SQL database server. To do so, first select the tags and time period for which to extract data.
Use the tags_watlas_all.xlsx
file (including metadata of
all tags) or for collaborators the tags_watlas_subset.xlsx
(including a subset of metadata) to select the desired tags. Here shown
with the example data in tools4watlas
Loading the tags_watlas_subset.xlsx
will provide a table
with the following columns:
Column | Description |
season | Year in which the bird was caught |
species | Species common name |
tag | Tag ID with 4 digits |
rings | Metal ring number |
crc | Colour ring combo |
release_ts | Release time stamp in CET |
catch_location | Location where the bird was caught |
Select the desired tags and time period
# Load meta data
all_tags_path <- system.file(
"extdata", "tags_watlas_subset.xlsx", package = "tools4watlas"
all_tags <- readxl::read_excel(all_tags_path, sheet = "tags_watlas_all") |>
# Subset desired tags using data.table
# (For example all tags from season 2023)
tags <- all_tags[season == 2023]$tag
# Time period for which data should be extracted form the database (in CET)
from <- "2023-09-21 00:00:00"
to <- "2023-09-25 00:00:00"
Extract data from local SQLite file
First, the path and file name of the local SQLite database need to be provided. Then, with the established connection, the database can be queried for the selected tags and period. Here we will load the tagging data in one data.table.
# Database connection
sqlite_db <- system.file(
"extdata", "watlas_example.SQLite", package = "tools4watlas"
con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), sqlite_db)
# Load data from database
data <- atl_get_data(
tracking_time_start = from,
tracking_time_end = to,
timezone = "CET",
use_connection = con
# Close connection
Alternatively, extract from remote SQL-database
To safely work with database credentials one option is to store them as environmental variables in R. This allows for example to have scripts on GitHub without sharing them. Restart R after adding variables to be able to access them. Ask Allert for the host, username and password and then add them in your environment like this:
# open .Renviron to edit
# add variables
host = "host"
username = "username"
password = "password"
# access variables (example)
does the same as when connecting to a local
SQLite database when connecting to a remote database. In this example
(chunk not run and only shown) we load the last three days of data from
all tags of season 2024. Host, username and password are specified as
environmental variables in this example, but can also be specified
# Load meta data
all_tags_path <- "C:\\path\\tags_watlas_all.xlsx"
all_tags <- readxl::read_excel(all_tags_path, sheet = "tags_watlas_all") |>
# Subset all tags from 2024
tags <- all_tags[season == 2024]$tag
# Select N last days to get data from
days <- 3
from <- (Sys.time() - 86400 * days) |> as.character()
to <- (Sys.time() + 3600) |> as.character()
# Load data from database
data <- atl_get_data(
tracking_time_start = from,
tracking_time_end = to,
timezone = "CET",
host = Sys.getenv("host"),
database = "atlas2024",
username = Sys.getenv("username"),
password = Sys.getenv("password")
Data explanation
The resulting loaded WATLAS data will be a data.table
with the following columns:
posID | tag | time | datetime | x | y | nbs | varx | vary | covxy |
7914 | 3027 | 1695438802 | 2023-09-23 03:13:22 | 650692.8 | 5902549 | 3 | 46.97 | 392.42 | 126.62 |
7917 | 3027 | 1695438805 | 2023-09-23 03:13:25 | 650705.6 | 5902576 | 3 | 49.09 | 460.84 | 141.21 |
7921 | 3027 | 1695438808 | 2023-09-23 03:13:28 | 650691.6 | 5902536 | 3 | 58.18 | 471.81 | 155.89 |
8230 | 3027 | 1695439189 | 2023-09-23 03:19:49 | 650728.6 | 5902571 | 3 | 49.97 | 441.46 | 138.20 |
8234 | 3027 | 1695439192 | 2023-09-23 03:19:52 | 650721.0 | 5902556 | 3 | 5.34 | 28.16 | 8.58 |
8237 | 3027 | 1695439195 | 2023-09-23 03:19:55 | 650721.1 | 5902559 | 3 | 5.55 | 35.03 | 10.43 |
Column | Description |
posID | Unique number for localizations |
tag | 4 digit tag number (character), i.e. last 4 digits of the full tag number |
time | UNIX time (seconds) |
datetime | Datetime in POSIXct (UTC) |
x | X-cordinates in meters (UTM 31 N) |
y | Y-cordinates in meters (UTM 31 N) |
nbs | Number of Base Stations used in calculating coordinates |
varx | Variance in estimating X-coordinates |
vary | Variance in estimating Y-coordinates |
covxy | Co-variance between X- and Y-coordinates |
Save data
At this point it might be good to save the raw data, as extrating the
data from the database can take a long time with big datasets. A
convenient and fast way is to use fwrite
from the
package. By including yaml = TRUE
we make sure the data stays in the same format when we load it again.
Change the file path when running this example.
# Save data
fwrite(data, file = "../inst/extdata/watlas_data_raw.csv", yaml = TRUE)
Check data
Data summary
Here we simply check for how many individuals we have data and how many positions by tag and date we have.
# Load data
data <- fread("../inst/extdata/watlas_data_raw.csv", yaml = TRUE)
# N individuals with tagging data
data[, .N, tag] |> nrow()
## [1] 8
# N positions, first and last data by tag ID
data[, .(
N_positions = .N,
fist_data = min(datetime),
last_data = max(datetime)
), tag]
## tag N_positions fist_data last_data
## <char> <int> <POSc> <POSc>
## 1: 3027 15859 2023-09-23 03:13:22 2023-09-23 22:24:26
## 2: 3038 15959 2023-09-23 00:00:01 2023-09-23 23:59:57
## 3: 3063 12614 2023-09-23 03:27:49 2023-09-23 22:24:55
## 4: 3100 8423 2023-09-23 04:21:46 2023-09-23 21:41:16
## 5: 3158 12533 2023-09-23 00:00:01 2023-09-23 23:59:57
## 6: 3188 10195 2023-09-23 00:00:45 2023-09-23 23:41:50
## 7: 3212 3856 2023-09-23 00:00:00 2023-09-23 23:59:56
## 8: 3288 8131 2023-09-23 00:00:03 2023-09-23 23:59:54
# add date
data[, date := as.Date(datetime)] |> invisible()
# N positions by species and day
data_subset <- data[, .N, by = .(tag, date)]
# Plot data
ggplot(data_subset, aes(x = date, y = tag, fill = N)) +
geom_tile() +
option = "A", discrete = FALSE, trans = "log10", name = "N positions",
breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x)),
direction = -1
) +
labs(x = "Date", y = "Tag") +
![Number of positions per day by tag](load_and_check_data_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png)
Number of positions per day by tag
Plot overview of the data
Now we want to see the data on a map. With large datasets it is convenient to plot heatmaps, as plotting for example 40 million points would result in a lot of over plotting and makes the plotting slow. If the dataset is small, one can obviously also plot the data by tag number or in other ways (see vignette plotting data).
# Make a basemap with the extent of the data
bm <- atl_create_bm(data, buffer = 1000)
# Round data to 200 m grid cells
data_heatmap <- copy(data)
data_heatmap <- data_heatmap[, c("x_round", "y_round") := list(
plyr::round_any(x, 200),
plyr::round_any(y, 200)
data_heatmap <- data_heatmap[, .N, by = c("x_round", "y_round")]
# Plot heatmap
bm +
data = data_heatmap, aes(x_round, y_round, fill = N),
linewidth = 0.1, show.legend = TRUE
) +
option = "A", discrete = FALSE, trans = "log10", name = "N positions",
breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x)),
direction = -1
![Heatmap of all positions](load_and_check_data_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png)
Heatmap of all positions