Animate data
Johannes Krietsch
This article gives a simple workflow on how to animate movement data. It works with any type of basemap and allows to adjust everything as wanted. It first shows how to animate data with a simple basemap and then how to do it with a bathymetry data basemap and the water level. The first two steps and the last are the same (load packages, prepare movement data, make animation).
Install mapmate
from GitHub:
Prepare movement data
Set the folder path where the png’s are created, load the data, create time steps with a desired interval (e.g. 10 min), delete existing files.
# file path
path <- "C:/Users/jkrietsch/temp/animation"
# load example data
data <- data_example
# create time steps
ts <- atl_time_steps(
datetime_vector = data$datetime,
time_interval = "10 min",
output_path = path
# delete existing files (if any)
unlink(paste0(path, "/*"), recursive = TRUE)
Simple animation of movements
Check plot
Make a basemap as desired and plot with all data to check the outcome, scalebar and time stamp. Adjust everything as desired (check with saving png in the defined size).
# create basemap
bm <- atl_create_bm(data, buffer = 800)
# plot points and tracks to check
bm +
data = data, aes(x, y, colour = tag),
linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE
) +
data = data, aes(x, y, colour = tag),
size = 0.5, alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE
) +
# add time stamp
x = -Inf, y = -Inf, hjust = -0.1, vjust = -2.4,
label = paste0(format(data[1]$datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), size = 4
Loop to create png’s for each step
Create a png for each step (check steps - that is how many png’s are
created). Run first with an example step to check
(e.g. step <- 50
) outcome for one png. Depending on the
number of png’s, run first on a subset to check if everything is as
desired, once everything is fine, run for all steps. A desired color
scale can be simply added to p
In the subset step, the maximal tail length can be chosen (here, 6
h). Then we use atl_alpha_along()
to create an fading alpha
and atl_size_along()
to make a comet shape - adjust
parameters as desired (see function description for more details).
Afterwards we add this path to the basemap and add the time stamp.
# register cores and backend for parallel processing
# steps
steps <- seq_len(nrow(ts))
# loop to create pngs for each time step
foreach(i = steps) %dofuture% {
# define time step
time_step <- ts[i]$datetime # current date
# subset data
ds <- data[datetime %between% c(time_step - 3600 * 6, time_step)]
# create alpha and size
if (nrow(ds) > 0) {
ds[, a := atl_alpha_along(
head = 30, skew = -2
), by = tag]
if (nrow(ds) > 0) {
ds[, s := atl_size_along(
head = 70, to = c(0.3, 2)
), by = tag]
# add tracks to basemap
p <- bm +
data = ds, aes(x, y, color = tag), alpha = ds$a, linewidth = ds$s,
lineend = "round", show.legend = FALSE
) +
# add time stamp
x = -Inf, y = -Inf, hjust = -0.1, vjust = -2.4,
label = paste0(format(time_step, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), size = 4
# save png
filename = ts[i, path],
width = 3840, height = 2160, units = "px", res = 300
# close parallel workers
Animation of movements with water level
Add tide and bathymetry data
We add water level data to ts
to know the waterlevel at
each step and crop the bathymetry data to the extend of the map (use
same buffer as for basemap).
# file path to WATLAS teams data folder
fp <- atl_file_path("watlas_teams")
# sub path to tide data
tidal_pattern_fp <- paste0(
fp, "waterdata/allYears-tidalPattern-west_terschelling-UTC.csv"
measured_water_height_fp <- paste0(
fp, "waterdata/allYears-gemeten_waterhoogte-west_terschelling-clean-UTC.csv"
# load tide data
tidal_pattern <- fread(tidal_pattern_fp)
measured_water_height <- fread(measured_water_height_fp)
# add unix time
ts[, time := as.numeric(datetime)]
# add tide data to movement data
ts <- atl_add_tidal_data(
data = ts,
tide_data = tidal_pattern,
tide_data_highres = measured_water_height,
waterdata_resolution = "10 min",
waterdata_interpolation = "1 min",
offset = 30
# file path to Birds, fish 'n chips GIS/rasters folder
fp <- atl_file_path("rasters")
# load bathymetry data
bat <- rast(paste0(fp, "bathymetry/2024/bodemhoogte_20mtr_UTM31_int.tif"))
# bbox (should be buffer used for basemap)
bbox <- atl_bbox(data, buffer = 800)
# crop the raster using the bounding box
bat_c <- crop(bat, bbox)
# wrap to use in parallel loop
bat_w <- wrap(bat_c)
Check plot
Make a basemap as desired and plot with all data to check the outcome, scalebar and time stamp. Adjust everything as desired (check with saving png in the defined size).
# create basemap
bm <- atl_create_bm(
buffer = 800, raster_data = bat_c, option = "bathymetry", scalebar = FALSE
# extract example water level
threshold <- 0 / 100 # water level at the time (/100 to scale to m)
bat_m <- bat_c < threshold # mask below threshold (TRUE = 1)
bat_m[bat_m == 0] <- NA # remove land
waterline <- as.polygons(bat_m, values = TRUE, dissolve = TRUE) |>
st_as_sf() # extract polygon with water level
# check plot with all data
bm +
# add water level
data = waterline, fill = "dodgerblue3", alpha = 0.2,
color = scales::alpha("white", 0.2), linewidth = 2
) +
# add points and tracks
data = data, aes(x, y, colour = tag),
linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE
) +
data = data, aes(x, y, colour = tag),
size = 0.5, alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE
) +
# add time stamp
x = -Inf, y = -Inf, hjust = -0.1, vjust = -2.4,
label = paste0(format(data[1]$datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), size = 4
) +
# add scale bar
aes(location = "br"),
text_cex = 1, height = unit(0.3, "cm"),
pad_x = unit(0.4, "cm"), pad_y = unit(0.6, "cm")
) +
# set extend again (overwritten by geom_sf)
xlim = c(bbox["xmin"], bbox["xmax"]),
ylim = c(bbox["ymin"], bbox["ymax"]), expand = FALSE
Loop to create png’s for each step
Same as above just with added water level polygon and scale bar (needs to be added above water).
# register cores and backend for parallel processing
# steps
steps <- seq_len(nrow(ts))
# loop to create pngs for each time step
foreach(i = steps) %dofuture% {
# define time step
time_step <- ts[i]$datetime # current date
# subset data
ds <- data[datetime %between% c(time_step - 3600 * 6, time_step)]
# create alpha and size
if (nrow(ds) > 0) {
ds[, a := atl_alpha_along(
head = 30, skew = -2
), by = tag]
if (nrow(ds) > 0) {
ds[, s := atl_size_along(
head = 70, to = c(0.3, 2)
), by = tag]
# extract water level
bat_c <- unwrap(bat_w)
threshold <- ts[i]$waterlevel / 100 # water level at the time (scale to m)
bat_m <- bat_c < threshold # mask below threshold (TRUE = 1)
bat_m[bat_m == 0] <- NA # remove land
waterline <- as.polygons(bat_m, values = TRUE, dissolve = TRUE) |>
st_as_sf() # extract polygon with water level
# add everything to the basemap
p <- bm +
# add water level
data = waterline, fill = "dodgerblue3", alpha = 0.2,
color = scales::alpha("white", 0.2), linewidth = 2
) +
# add track
data = ds, aes(x, y, color = tag), alpha = ds$a, linewidth = ds$s,
lineend = "round", show.legend = FALSE
) +
# add time stamp
x = -Inf, y = -Inf, hjust = -0.1, vjust = -2.4,
label = paste0(format(time_step, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")), size = 4
) +
# add scale bar
aes(location = "br"),
text_cex = 1, height = unit(0.3, "cm"),
pad_x = unit(0.4, "cm"), pad_y = unit(0.6, "cm")
) +
# set extend again (overwritten by geom_sf)
xlim = c(bbox["xmin"], bbox["xmax"]),
ylim = c(bbox["ymin"], bbox["ymax"]), expand = FALSE
# save png
filename = ts[i, path],
width = 3840, height = 2160, units = "px", res = 300
# close parallel workers
Make a animation using ffmpeg
Adjust the frame rate (rate
) as desired (depending on
the time step interval). File is created in the same path, but this can
also be changed as desired.
# make animation
dir = path, output_dir = path, pattern = atl_ffmpeg_pattern(ts[1]$path),
output = "Animation.mp4", rate = 8, details = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE